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Extend SAP S/4HANA to manage real estate & facilities: A buying guide

Key steps for selecting and implementing an IWMS to integrate with SAP

Download this buying guide and gain insights to navigate the challenges of selecting, purchasing, and implementing real estate software, such as an Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS), with an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.

This guide will aid in internal decision-making, pitching the business case, and answering your stakeholder questions.

Cover of the Planon and SAP Real Estate Buying Guide.
This buying guide will help you to:
  • Get insights on the benefits of integrating an IWMS with SAP’s ERP
  • Develop the business case for integrating your ERP and real estate data
  • Determine the budget requirements for an ERP and IWMS integration
  • Prepare for a smooth implementation
  • Maximise success: how to ensure frictionless user adoption
  • Learn how the system can interoperate with other applications
  • Learn how you can ensure the system complies with privacy and cybersecurity needs
How to select, purchase and implement an IWMS to integrate with SAP S/4HANA

You understand the complexities of managing multi-property portfolios and the need for seamless integration with ERP software. Combining an IWMS with SAP’s ERP solution offers comprehensive functionalities that improve financial management for real estate, and address the key challenges you face in managing your properties and facilities.

The integration of IWMS and ERP provides a consistent view of your property and facilities data, processes, and performance. This helps improve better data accuracy and operational efficiency.

Finding and implementing the right solution isn't easy, but don't let the complexity of real estate ERP integration hold you back. Whether you already use SAP S/4HANA or are exploring your options for the first time, this buying guide addresses your key concerns and provides actionable insights.

Fill out the form on this page to download the buying guide to make informed decisions on integrating your real estate and core financial data.

What makes a seamless ERP and IWMS integration? Watch this video and explore the benefits of Planon Real Estate Management for SAP S/4HANA, or request a personalised demo.