Radboud University campus.

Radboud University gains insights into the usage of students’ workplaces

~ Planon offers Radboud University innovative tools to increase optimal space occupancy ~

2 March 2015 - Last month Radboud University, based in the Netherlands, started a pilot project together with Planon aiming at allowing students to study in a flexible environment. In February the university has thus started offering to its students the option to easily book a workplace online, via apps and kiosk screens. The students' response to this trial was very positive, and the results are very encouraging so far. During the first eight days, more than 400 reservations and 1000 hours of occupancy were registered.

Studying in a flexible environment
In order to be able to study productively, you require a study area that is suitable for your needs. It is not very helpful if you have to come to university only to discover that there is no computer, silent workplace or group study room available. The dynamics of contemporary student life required an appropriate solution.

Marloes Hermsen, IT Consultant at Radboud University, says: "The availability of workplaces - at the university library in particular - has always been a strong focus for us. A survey was conducted in 2012, in order to gain insights into the perception of our students of the availability of work spaces. It showed that students regularly went home because there was no suitable workplace available. We started a pilot project together with Planon to drastically improve this situation. For example, we are testing several tools that can help collect information on the availability of study facilities. And in connection to this we continuously ask students to provide feedback concerning matters that can be improved or what could be done differently." Students can now easily find and claim a workplace online or via a touch screen. In addition to that students can use the Planon Apps to scan a QR code to reserve a workplace. And they can do so within a matter of seconds!

"We wish to offer our students a workplace that is in line with their needs at a specific moment and improve our services to them. At the same time, this trial offers us more insight into the effectiveness of the workplaces that are offered", states Marloes Hermsen. "During the pilot phase, we have the opportunity to customise the solution in the best possible way to the needs and wishes of our students. We collect information on the actual usage based on reports generated by our Planon solution. This provides us with a starting point to reduce no-shows in the future and to increase optimal occupancy."